SCO & BRICS latest news and insights
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It appears that the newly signed 'Free Tade Agreement between the Mercosur countries of Southr America and the EU which took 25 years of negotiations have already cause serious friction within certain members of the EU.  

For example the events held in France to mark the end of the restoration of...

The BRICS group are building a transportation  nework that is spanning the Globe from the North -South Transportation corridor, linking Russia,Iran and India to the Northern Sea route across the Arctic that links Asia with Europe and a major part of that is China's Belt and Road Initiaitive across C...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Moscow plans to build transport and logistics centres, industrial parks and other infrastructure in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. In this way, Russia will begin to redirect its non-resource, non-energy exports to new markets, Izvestiya learned. The government intends...

By Rhod Mackenzie

Russia's economic partnerships with Asian and African nations have expanded while trade connections with the European Union have weakened, as per the most recent report by the Federal Customs Service (FCS).

Recently published data illustrates that exports to Asia escalated to $...